I wanted to fill you all in on our trip to Auckland last weekend. We left Saturday morning and returned Tuesday night. Since I have lots to report, I will try to break it down to some extent...
The trip to Auckland (PART ONE)
As I mentioned before, we took the Overlander from Wellington to Auckland - the countryside we passed through was gorgeous! (These pictures were taken from the observation car - an open air portion of the train)
The viaduct:
Some sheep:
(Before this train ride, I had yet to see ANY sheep - and for everyone's information, I just did a little bit of research, per the government (population.govt.nz), the ratio of sheep to people here is approximately 10:1. Specifically - March 2007 population of 4.18 million people, June 2006 population of 40.1 million sheep. In 1982 the ratio was 20:1. The current ratio in Australia is 5:1.)
Some lambs: There were so many little lambs - and they were so cute! Whenever I mentioned how cute the lambs were, Erik would say "Mmmmm. Lamb chops!"
About the train - I think the two of us dropped the average age of passengers by about 10 years... it was a retiree haven! We met some nice people on our journey, and naturally some characters as well -
Woman with Chicago Bulls sweatshirt on - At first, we were really excited to make a Chicago connection. When we asked about the sweatshirt (circa 1988), we learned that she bought it from a secondhand store in Melbourne. When asked what drew her to it, she responded that she "really liked the bull on it." I thought this was great! It reminded me of the time in high school when I picked up a shirt from Harrod's while visiting London with my Grandma, aunt, & cousin - I bought it because I liked the colors and the 'deer' on it, which I now know is actually a springbok and it's a South African rugby jersey, who knew? It had McNick colors.... but I digress. Back to this lady, she was a strange bird. She told us how she and her mate were sick with bronchitis and then wanted to know if we wanted to play cards with them. We kindly declined and decided to check out the rest of the train instead.
Couple, South Island beef farmers - They were great!! After picking up a tasty meal from the food car, we moved to a different car (away from bronchitis) and met this lovely couple from just south of Christchurch. They possessed that perfect balance of interest and disinterest you look for in a new travel companion. It was great hearing about all of their tramping trips in and around NZ. To put it simply, they were very friendly and we really enjoyed sitting with them.
The trip to Auckland (PART TWO)
This is a picture of Erik I took while we were hanging out on the observation deck. Does he look confused to you? Do you see the look of growing concern? He is trying to hear the conductor's announcement -
We were able to take the same train the next day - the train was, again, very comfortable and we arrived into Auckland on Sunday night.
The 3 main things we did Auckland were Rangitoto, Devonport, & the aquarium.
Here is a photo from the ferry we took from Auckland to Rangitoto -
On Tuesday we decided to check out the Auckland aquarium. My travelbook states that it "is possibly the most ingenious use of converted sewage tanks ever." Huh. This begs the question- what else have sewage tanks been converted into? Anyway, I do not recommend this place. It was expensive and rundown.
The main attraction was the Anarctic exhibit. This exhibit can only be viewed via the Snowcat. The Snowcat is a sort of like an enclosed tractor on rails with large windows and four benches for people to sit on (all face forward). It is fully automated and lasts 7.5 minutes (literally, that's what the sign says). It is a total ripoff of the buggies haunted houses use at the amusement parks. The first section of the Snowcat takes you through a vertigo tunnel - again, just like a haunted house, this is where you travel through a tunnel and the walls spin around you. The narrator informed us that this was the blizzard portion of the ride. The Snowcat continues to crawl very slowly through the rest of the exhibit, which included live penguins, fake animals, and the flags of all the countries that signed a treaty about Anarctica. Hmmm...
As I alluded to before, there were some fake animals to be seen. Here is my favorite picture from the Snowcat - as we entered this section the narrator said something along these lines - "Seals also live in the arctic. The seals eat fish, but the seals also have predators. Predators like the killer whale!!!" Then this thing rises (as you see it, the jaws do NOT move) from the water:
The Underwater World did have HUGE sting rays and HUGE crayfish which were really cool. I had a hilarious time there - you had to laugh as you went through some parts. The true highlight of our visit was a video about the ocean food chain. It was just like something you may have seen on the Planet Earth series from the Discovery Channel. Fascinating.
The entire trip was a lot of fun. We made the most of the unexpected on the train, saw some beautiful scenery, and learned a lot about how you feel the day after climbing steep hills (sore!). If you made it this far in this post - good work my friend! Keep in touch everyone - I hope to write soon about my job and other happenings here in Wellington. Take care!
Sounds like quite a trip! It's always fun when travel plans get unexpectedly messed up (the train derailing)... How is the weather there?
There were too many typos in my first comment so I will try again.
Your trip sounded great -- wonderful pictures. Maybe next year you may want to try and climb El Capitan in Yosemite National Park. It is straight up and they say it takes from two to five days to reach the top when you climb the face. You sleep in a sling attached to the mountain. Even your Dad (the rock climbing expert) passed on that. I will try to remember to send you a photo. Enjoyed reading about your adventure.
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